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Buffer pool in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2021-09-14Updated:2021-09-14
Similar words: bufferbuffer zonebufferingunbufferedliverpoolbuffer statebuffer spacebuffer stock
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1. Why not allocate a bigger buffer pool instead?
2. Buffer pool hit ratio is very important to monitor.
3. Although the buffer pool did not exceed 1 GB in the large-database tests, the smaller database and greater concurrency tests used every megabyte possible.
4. You can filter on buffer pool name, partition number, and other properties.
5. Are my asynchronous read ratio and buffer pool hit ratio always above warning and problem thresholds in peak or normal hours?
6. To take advantage of the increased buffer pool, you must rebind the applications for the optimizer to consider the buffer pool size when deciding its access strategy.
7. For an index-organized table, you can specify a buffer pool separately for the index segment and the overflowsegment.
8. Use one buffer pool, but increase its size until the index hit ratio stops increasing.
9. With the buffer pool size of 250 pages, the application test run experienced very poor buffer pool hit ratio of 48.69%.
10. By using the send message buffer pool, processing capability and loading capability of the message processing module is improved, and capability of the whole system is improved.
11. Configuration changes to the buffer pool, the use of multiple servers, and even the use of RAM disk showed that changes in how memory was configured could help overall performance.
12. In general, a buffer pool hit ratio above 80% is considered good.
13. The buffer pool hit ratio is now showing excellent results.
14. If your system has a low buffer pool hit ratio, you can increase the buffer pool size further to achieve better application performance result.
15. After making sure that you can use the BUFFPAGE parameter in the database configuration to control the buffer pool size, set it to a proper value.
16. You can use the snapshot report to derive information such as the buffer pool hit ratio, amount of sort heap overflows, and the system workload.
17. Another configuration parameter that dramatically affects performance is the database buffer pool size.
18. In MPP, the opt_buffpage is calculated per node, as the optimizer uses the total buffer pool information for the node on which the query is running.
19. It is just as efficient for any member in the cluster to receive a data page from the global buffer pool, regardless of the size of the cluster.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. The results demonstrate the dynamic organization methods and the dual buffer pool map display strategy can improve the speed of map display.
21. If necessary, you can separate data and index into two different buffer pools to help ensure a good index buffer pool hit ratio.
22. Obviously, with availability of physical memory on the database server, a high buffer pool hit ratio is always better for your database performance.
23. I/O servers asynchronously read data pages from the disk into the buffer pool anticipating their need by an application: this is called "prefetching."
24. Use the database system monitor to help you tune this configuration parameter using information from the snapshot data (or event monitor) about write activity from a buffer pool.
25. If your AVG_APPLS parameter is well adjusted, but your buffer pool hit ratio decreases, you might think about tuning your buffer pool, for example by increasing the buffer pool.
26. Problem queries: These queries return only rows that exceed thresholds for important performance counters, for example, rows with buffer pool hit ratio lower than 90%.
27. Based on the analysis of the common software architecture, a high performance software architecture using the technology of Zero-Copy and buffer pool is proposed and realized.
28. Informix can crank out 10,000 rows in 1 second because of its advanced buffer pool management and industrial strength architecture.
29. Although this lookup is done via the primary key index, it does take CPU cycles to do the search, and possibly I/O to read index page(s) into the buffer pool.
30. This recovery process instantly begins to prefetch dirty pages from the centralized buffer pool into its own local buffer pool.
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